Welcome to "Conversations with Bucky"!
"I thought that Synergetics might allow humanity at large to discover what its options really are"
R. Buckminster Fuller to E.J Applewhite, Cosmic Fishing 1977
In order to facilitate this discovery, I am uploading 42 hours of Bucky's "Everything I Know" sessions recorded in Philly in 1975. These videos are available to all human beings online or by download upon request (see below), to use for the betterment of mankind. Everyone is invited to participate in the following ways:
- View the tapes online
- Comment on the Video
- Participate in a peer group dialogue about each of the tapes via this Wiki Web site
- Download the videos by sending a request to acoles@aol.com. Specify the tape # and it will be sent to you via e-mail.
- Edit the videos to produce the most effective means of communicating "Everything Bucky Knows" to the greatest number of human beings. The links to Best of Bucky and Conversations With Bucky are my attempts.
Best of Bucky - Is my compilation of 2 to 10 minute video segments of RBF on the topics of Love, Death, Vanity, Integrity, The Eccentricity of Life, Only the Impossible Happens and The Lord's Prayer. View these videos, engage in a conversation on this wiki site, add new videos and expand the Best of Bucky.
Conversations With Bucky. The videos on this page are my attempt to generate a dialogue between an 11-year-old and Bucky, covering various topics such as: Precession, Education, and the JitterBug model. View these videos, engage in a conversation on this wiki site, add new videos and expand the "Conversations With Bucky".
CNA Practice Test - Are you prepared to appear for the CNA examination? If you feel nervous or not sure how you would perform in competency evaluation cna test questions, then following details would help you to get prepare and judge yourcompetency to pass the competency examination. red cross cna classes
"Everything I Know", 42 hours of unedited Buckminster Fuller, Philly, PA, Janurary 20th, 1975 Outline by AJ Applewhite
Press conference between Buckminster Fuller and Maharishi Mahesh Yogi 1971
For a very cool "house music" Track with Bucky in the Background check out
As "Monty Python" used to say "And Now for Something Completely Differnt"
Tape 1a
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Tape 1c
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Tape 3a
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Tape 7a
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Tape 7c-8a
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Tape 8c-9a
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Tape 11a
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Tape 12a
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Tape 13a
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Tape 18a
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Tape 18c
Tape 19a
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Tape 20a
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Tape 21 a
Tape 21b
a nightmare on elm street (2010) full movie
Check Out Another Wiki! I figured that since I help keep this wiki "safe" it'd be okay to link to mine.
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